mata ng agila weekend




Here in NET 25, we recognize your need to know the latest news.

Like the eagle that continually soars above and sees everything below, NET 25 News and Current Affairs never tire in our quest to bring you up-to-date with the issues that affects not only our country, but the world as well.

NET 25 News and Current Affairs gives you MATA NG AGILA WEEKEND EDITION.

Isn’t it nice to know the current news while you’re spending a relaxing weekend at the comfort of your home?

Not only that, MATA NG AGILA WEEKEND EDITION gives us a nice wrap-up of the week’s news and issues, a concise and comprehensive overview of the week that was.

MATA NG AGILA WEEKEND EDITION is a one-hour program, an extension of NET 25’s News and Current Affairs’ daily flagship news program.

Time Slot

Saturday 6:00PM


Onin and Gel Miranda

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